Energy Leadership® puts you in touch with the missing link between your ambitions and your ability to achieve them.
The second edition of Energy Leadership is now a #1 Amazon Bestseller!
Gain access to exclusive content once available only to participants in iPEC’s advanced Coach Training Program.
A well-known guy with funny looking hair, named Albert Einstein, proved that everything is energy.
This energy is also contagious, really contagious
Just think about someone you see as a leader, someone who always seems to be in a bad mood—how quickly can you feel the tension when they walk in the room? What can you read on other people’s faces? How does this person’s impact spill over into everyone else’s mood and level of productivity?
On the other hand, think about a fun, dynamic leader who inspires others and happily gives credit where credit is due. How quickly do you engage with leaders like this? How do other people respond, in comparison to the first example? How does this light, positive person naturally enhance people’s peace of mind and important everyday interactions?
That ripple effect you feel is energy. And it’s critical for coaches, leaders, educators (and everyone else for that matter!) to understand its impact.

Energy Leadership® Isn’t Just For “Leaders”
When we hear the term “leadership,” we often think of CEOs, managers, elected officials, or other influential people. But becoming a leader doesn’t require a specific job title. In theory, we’re all leaders, every day, in every area of our lives.
That means that no matter who you are or what you do, you have the opportunity to lead when interacting with another person. The question really isn’t “are you a leader?,” it’s “how skillfully can you lead in your everyday life?”
Everyday leaders are parents, partners, teachers, therapists, caregivers, entrepreneurs, HR managers, consultants… the list goes on and on. This is where the power of Energy Leadership lies—each of us has the power to identify and shift our own energies to better serve our clients, our loved ones, and anyone else we interact with—to lead—right from where we are.

Research-Backed System of Transformation
This research-backed system, utilized by companies such as Boeing, IKEA, and the United States Coast Guard, as well as tens of thousands of individuals, allows “everyday leaders” from all walks of life to harness and measure energy to achieve success in the workplace, the home, and in the world at large.
Over 15,000 iPEC Certified Professional Coaches apply the concepts of Energy Leadership within organizations to transform culture, facilitate expansive change, and ultimately raise the consciousness of the world—one person at a time.
“The finance department was having some difficulties with engagement and our CFO approached me for ideas. I invited him to take Energy Leadership® Index (ELI) assessment and he fell in love with it. I’ve since done the ELI with nearly 100 support staff members on our finance and audit teams—from new college grads to the executive suite.
Almost immediately, we have seen positive shifts in individuals and in the overall awareness and mindset of the teams. A new language around energy has taken hold around the office. Not only are people noticing their energy levels but they’re talking about it and they’re seeking solutions on how to raise themselves to an even more positive, energetic place. The principles taught by iPEC have enhanced our Change Management programs and have also drastically shifted the culture and engagement in our support departments.”
Executive Director Human Resources at Rabobank
Inspire Peak Performance
Originally, Energy Leadership® was only available to students of iPEC’s Coach Training Program.
After seeing such astronomical personal results from students and their clients, renowned coach and iPEC Founder Bruce D Schneider knew he needed to get it into as many hands as possible.
While the ELI assessment tool is still exclusive to iPEC coaches, anyone is invited to experience the transformation for themselves through Schneider’s blockbuster leadership book, Energy Leadership: Transforming Your Workplace and Your Life from the Core.
Your extraordinary results await
“Schneider not only brilliantly explains a complicated concept in a simple and powerful way, but also shows us how to apply Energy Leadership® in our everyday living. This helps us make a difference in our workplace as well as in the rest of our lives."
— MARK R. MARUTIAK, Director
International Sales, Honeywell Inc.

Energy Leadership: The 7 Level Framework for Mastery In Life and Business 2nd Edition
Awaken your potential by harnessing the power of your energy.